
I recently booked a fancy-schmancy restaurant to celebrate turning the big 5-0. (Thanks everyone for all the kind birthday wishes![...]
Don’t get stuck slashing prices. Use the Rule of 3 to re-frame the competition. If you’ve ever lost out on a[...]
FAQs are a fantastic tool for gaining a better Google ranking, for taking the pressure off the business owner having[...]
When you know what business you’re in, it’s not only easier to market what you have, but it helps you[...]
I was seven months pregnant. My husband and I had just moved into our new home. The house needed minor[...]
When we think of great leaders, what names come to mind? Steve Jobs. Richard Branson. Rupert Murdoch. Mark Zuckerberg. The[...]
Many business owners want to write a book but they don’t have the time or skill to do so. It[...]
  If you’re going to write a business book, make it good. Really good. Having a bad business book with[...]
How to create the life of your dreams and make every experience count. My stepson is 23. He’s just finished[...]
How to use public speaking to find new customers. Looking for new clients? Can’t afford to advertise? Have you considered[...]
In this interview with NETT Magazine, Bernadette reveals how she started her online business - where the idea came from,[...]
f you like the thought of working from home, having more freedom and making money while you sleep, then consider[...]
The big disruptors know something most don’t. They know that if the goal is to create a seriously disruptive business,[...]
One of the great things about being on the judging panel for an online business award is you get access[...]
In this article written for New Idea, I revealed the easiest ways to make money in your PJs. It's one[...]
Chatting to Gary and Darren on The Mojo Radio Show, they picked my brain about the entrepreneurial mindset needed to[...]
The baby’s napping. I’m in bed, eating toast and drinking coffee. I fire up the laptop to see how my[...]